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With over 10 years experience in intellectual property, we're trusted by law firms, companies and individuals to protect key brands. Let us help you protect yours.


We specialise in international registration projects, helping you take your brand to the world in a cost effective way.


More cost effective than a traditional law firm, without sacrificing experience or service. Find out more about pricing.

Success Trademark Application from $349 (+ govt)

Document/Service Fee (inc GST) Government Fee Total
Standard Trademark Application in Australia $545 $250 $795
Success Trademark Application in Australia $349 $250 $599
Corporate Trademark Application in Australia $995 $400 $1395
Brand Report $295 $295
Pricing is per class in AUD and includes GST and government fees. Success Trademark Application is more cost effective to get started, but has an additional registration fee of $599


Applied Marks Pty Ltd is an incorporated entity owned by IPH Limited. IPH Limited (IPH), a public company, is the holding company for an international network of intellectual property professional services and adjacent businesses operating under different brands in a range of jurisdictions (each entity or group of entities operating under a single brand is referred to as a Group Business). For the purposes of the Australian and New Zealand Code of Conduct for Trans-Tasman Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys 2018 (Code), Australian and New Zealand incorporated attorneys and ‘ancillary businesses’ within the IPH group (IPH Group) are also considered to be members of an ‘ownership group’ (members of the ownership group are identified below). * Applied Marks Pty Ltd is not an incorporated registered trade marks attorney under the Code but is an “ancillary business” member of the IPH Limited ownership group (members of the ownership group are identified below).*

The success of Applied Marks’ business and the success of our clients require us to deliver the highest quality services, and to manage our group relationships so as to act always in our clients’ best interests. To ensure this, Applied Marks adheres to the following key principles.

Always act in the best interests of our clients

Applied Marks has as its first and primary obligation always to act in the best interests of its clients and in accordance with the law.

Independent provision of professional services

Applied Marks operates independently from each other Group Business in its provision to clients of professional services. Applied Marks and each other Group Business maintain separate case management systems and no case related information is shared with another Group Business. (Note: Applied Marks may in some cases refer clients to other Group Businesses for the provision of certain services and information may be shared for that purpose.)

Active compliance with all legal and ethical requirements

Applied Marks actively complies with all applicable laws and regulations and privacy, competition and consumer protection legislation.

Conflicts of interest

The IPH group structures and arrangements, including as to the separation and independent provision to clients of professional services by each Group Business, ensures compliance with legal and ethical requirements, including obligations under applicable Codes of Conduct, and minimises the potential occurrence of conflicts.

Disclosure of group relationships and independence in tenders and proposals

Applied Marks is open and transparent about its relationship with IPH Limited and other Group Businesses, including by expressly notifying its membership of the group in competitive proposals and tenders. Unless advised to the recipient, Applied Marks and Group Businesses prepare all tender responses and proposals independently from each other and do not share the content of tenders or proposals with each other.

Sharing of information

To provide our services, Applied Marks relies upon certain back-office, non-professional services provided by entities within the IPH Group that do not provide attorney services, such as information technology, insurance, personnel, analysis, client support, finance and accounting services. In addition, where reasonably necessary to satisfy corporate governance, management and reporting responsibilities, such as financial and regulatory reporting, compliance, corporate accountability and oversight and risk management responsibilities, Applied Marks may be required to share certain information with IPH. Any information shared for such purposes is disclosed only to the extent reasonably required, is used only for the purposes provided and remains subject to confidentiality. Non-public client information is not shared with any other Group Business (unless engaged as a foreign agent or lawyer), and all non-public information remains subject to confidentiality and is not further used or disclosed.

Sharing of personal information

Personal information is collected and managed in accordance with applicable privacy and personal data protection legislation in jurisdictions in which the relevant IPH Group Businesses have an establishment. For more information on how we manage and share such information see our Privacy Policy.

The proper management of these matters is of critical importance to Applied Marks and the IPH Limited group to ensure the interests of our clients are not affected.

If you would like further information with respect to our approach to these matters, please contact us.

* Members of the ownership group are AJ Park IP Limited (and affiliated company AJ Park Law Limited), GH PTM Pty Ltd, GH Law Pty Ltd (each GH entity operates under the Griffith Hack brand in Australia), Pizzeys Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys Pty Ltd, Spruson & Ferguson Pty Limited, Spruson & Ferguson Lawyers Pty Ltd and Applied Marks Pty Ltd. Additional incorporated patent and trade mark attorney and legal entities operating as ‘Smart & Biggar’, ‘ROBIC’, ‘Spruson & Ferguson’ and ‘Pizzeys’ form part of the IPH Group outside of Australia and New Zealand.

Information on all legal entities forming part of the IPH Group is available at

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NEED HELP? Call us on (02) 9393 0391
or chat with us online

Call us on (02) 9393 0391
or chat with us online

© 2012-2025 Applied Marks Pty Ltd (ACN 134 698 249). Applied Marks Pty Ltd is a member of the IPH Limited group and is part of an ‘ownership group’ for the purposes of the Code of Conduct for Trans-Tasman Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys 2018 (Cth). For more information, see ‘Ownership Group’. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy.